About Us


Our Records & Statistics

With over 153,000 investments under our management, $5 billion+ in assets under our administration, over 11 industry awards, we have made Bit-Digitalwealth the safe haven for investors who want to trust their financial partner to be capable of helping them reach their financial goals, and in due time, without the fear of disappointments..

Our trading team consists of highly qualified analyst, analytical experts who by using their experience and latest software, are able to predict the movements in currency exchange & cryptocurrency market with best accuracy.

Bright Perspective

We Are Everywhere

Our trading team consists of highly qualified analyst, analytical experts who by using their experience and latest software, are able to predict the movements in currency exchange & cryptocurrency market with best accuracy. During its long history, Bit-Digitalwealth has achieved and occupied a stable position in the digital financial market and won the confidence of numerous investors from all over the world. We aims to deliver a complete and professional service aimed at meeting the highest requirement of our clients. Our high standards can be verified by the increasing numbers of long-standing clients.

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Giant Strides

$5Billion+ in Digital Assets

$758.7M+ Deposits

$688.7M+ Withdrawals

  • 160+ Countries
  • 15 Awards

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